Harry Segal Clinical Psychologist


Harry Segal lists 1 practice location in New York. Their provider type is Clinical Psychologist with a primary speciality in All Clinical Psychlg. Their primary designation (Primary, Specialist, or both) is Specialist.

Their office(s) along with directions can be viewed below. Languages, hours per week, and accepted medicare and medicaid plans are also provided when available.

Office Location(s), Directions, and General Information

Harry Segal
Provider Type:         Clinical Psychologist
Primary Specialty:   All Clinical Psychlg
They have one office location listed in Ithaca, New York.

ITHACA, NY 14850
Phone Number: 607-339-7339
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Accepted Medicare and Medicaid Health Plans

Note: The following is a list of medicare and medicaid plans that the provider has accepted. Additional insurance plans are likely to be accepted by most providers. Please always be sure to contact your provider to verify what plans are accepted.


Additional New York Doctor and Health Care Provider License Information

Gender: Male
Languages: English [EN]
Practice Setting:
Hours Per Week: 032
After Hours: Yes

Primary Source: New York State Department of Health - Visit NYS DOH
Correct or Add Information: Update Profile
(for example: website, office hours, forms of insurance accepted)